How do we create the things we long for in life? A loving relationship. A fulfilling career. A family. A beautiful home. Deep, meaningful friendships. Laughter. Joy. Happiness. Adventures and experiences. Moments of stillness. Moments of connection. Moments of peace. How to start? Where to start?
Start by letting go and becoming clear. Clarity is essential. It will help you see what you desire, envision your dreams, and feel them deeply within your heart. It will allow you to plant the seeds. Next, release any attachments. When we attach, our mind limits us. It instantly and subconsciously moves us from infinite possibilities to finite possibilities. Whatever it is that we want to create, there are no limits to our power. We carry everything we need within us.
Innate creation uses power without force. It is the power without the force. It flows gently, watering the seeds you have planted. The seeds are your clarity. The essence of what you envision. Their grounds is your foundation. All our foundation. Our connection to source, spirit, and your greater Self. You fertilize them by letting go of the fog of vagueness. You invite in clarity. You release the blackness of the fear for the sun to nourish your seeds. You put up a sign that reads “growing dreams” so that people do not walk all over them. You set and uphold your boundaries, so you are not limited by other people’s opinions. You spend time in stillness, so you do not forget the beautiful garden that you have planted.
Start there. Release, let go, and become clear about what you envision.